Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sick Day

Chris has today off and I feel awful for being a party pooper. He and Hunter have been amazing care providers today. Chris has been wanting to get out of the house all day and I'm pretty sick. I have the chills and pain through out my body. I'm not 100% sure what is, I have alot of the same symptoms that I did when I had an infection during the first 3 weeks of breastfeeding. So I made a doctors appointment. They can't get me in till next Tuesday. I have been taking ibprofen all day and neither the headaches or fever are going away. So Chris went ahead and took Hunter to the park during Connor's naptime to get them both out of the house. My boys have done such a nice job taking care of me. I appreciate them so much. Thank You Boys!


  1. I'm sorry you're not feeling well honey. Where is the headache? ie. front forehead, back of neck, temples?

  2. Switch back and forth between the ibprofen and the tylenol. That will help with A, the inflammation and B, the fever. I really think you should go into the ER. It's an easy process, as far as Tri-Care goes.

  3. Shanna- the entire crown just a circle of pain
    Kylie- every time i ever go to the ER they make me sit in a room for at least 2-3 hours and tell me to wait it out.
