Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nana Visits

  My mom (nana) visited this past weekend. Her plane landed on Saturday morning at 9am. Hunter, Connor and I waited impatiently by the window to see the car driving down the street. We got that first glance of daddy's car and ran down stairs to wait by the door. Hunter waited to open the door. Nana finaly knocked and joy filled the house. Everyone had a smile and some had tears to go along with it. It has been 3 months since we have last seen her in person. Connor knew exactly who it was. He raised his arms up to be picked up, then once she had him in her arms, he held here right back and layed his head on her shoulder. He knew exactly who this was.
   We decided to go to the festival that they were having at Story Book Island. I knew Hunter and mom would have a blast. She is as big of a kid as he is when she's around the him. We really enjoyed ourselves. We played games, rode rides, and spent precious time together. We got home around 3 and everyone was exhausted, especially mom.
    She had slept 1hr the night before. She had to drive 3 hrs from home at midnight to Dallas, she got there at 3am, there she boarded her first plane that took her to Denver, she had a long layover there too. Then from Denver she came straight here. Getting here at 9am. So as you can expect she was ready for a nap. Hunter and her fell asleep and slept for a few hours.
    Once they woke up and we had dinner, we decided to go get some junk food.(= We spent 20 bucks just on fun food since nana was here. We stayed up late watching movies and catching up. It was nice. I love my mom so much and can't put into words how Ive been missing her. My stomach aches just thinking about it. Im blessed and greatful that she makes visits, but it dosen't fill the hole.
  Sunday, we relaxed and cooked a potroast together for lunch. Comfort food to get us ready for the those last few hours together. She left at 5pm and the weekend with her was over far to quickly. I feel like I will never get what I had before back. I took it for granted. I had my family and my life in the same place. Oklahoma. I had what I wanted and didn't even realize it. Now, we have made amazing friends and we have each other, but we don't have those family BBQs at aunt Jeni's. We miss all the kid's birthdays. We will miss Christmas with family. I don't think we ever realized just how important our family being around was to us, untill we didn't have that anymore. One day we will have it again. Im excited for that day. Still grandma Shanna, Grandpa Bob, and aunt Savvy will be in California so agian it won't fully be complete. Thanks for listening.

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