Saturday, September 25, 2010

Egg Carton Caterpillar

   Hunter wasn't feeling very good yesterday when we got home from bible study. So the first thing we did was eat lunch and he immediately fell asleep. He slept for 4 hours so we didn't make the craft that we had planned.
   Today he is feeling much better and has a much better attitude. So we made the egg carton caterpillar to finish up our "Bug Week".
 This is a very quick, simple, but fun craft to make with your bug loving toddler.

You will need:
*egg carton
*green non-toxic pain
*googly eyes
*pipe cleaner
*scissors, glue, paint brush

First you will need to cut the carton in half long ways.

Then you paint it green, and put on the eyes. You could also draw on a mouth if you'd like.(-:

After that you poke the pipe cleaner through the top and twist them to make antennas.

1 comment:

  1. What a big boy! Look at you, you're homeschooling!!! and how fun...!
