Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Milky Creation

 Okay mommy, take a deep breath. This craft is so messy, but so worth it!  The end product isn't as great as the laughter and joy that you'll be sharing with your little one.

You will need:                                                                      
*craft WASHABLE paint of any color you'd like
*disposable gloves
*white art paper
*tape, thumb tack

First you need to cover what ever you will be working on with newspaper. I covered the playroom floor. I just taped newspaper to a big section on the floor.

Then I found it easier to put some paint into the glove and then add water inside the glove. Not too much water, just enough to loosen up the paint.
Tie off the glove.                       

 Puncture a TINY hole with the thumb tack into 1 finger tip of the glove.
Let your child "milk the cow" while watching the paint hit the art paper. Make a fun creation.

Have Fun!

Hunter's Milky Creation!
*in these pictures I had put too much water so it was really runny. Now I know for next time though to barely put any water at all. (-=
the mess afterwards didn't take long to pick up:-)


  1. Yea, I had to take a deep breath! You are amazing! where do you get these ideas?
