*Pig in the Mud*
A nice art project I have done with my 4's during farm week is to glue a pink pig cutout onto green paper and draw a fence using magic markers around the pig, Give your child some brown finger paint and allow the children to finger paint their pig in the mud.
(you can also substitute the brown finger paint with chocolate instant pudding, it’s fun to lick your fingers while your painting )
*Foot Print Chickens*
Footprint chicks: children take off shoes and socks, put one foot in yellow paint and make yellow foot print on art paper. The heel is the chick's 'head'. Use orange paint to add beak and chicken feet, black thumbprint for eye! So cute!
*Furry Sheep*
Cut out a sheep like image and let child color and put on the “wool”, cotton balls
*Cows like to Eat Grass*
Provide each child with a white construction paper cow cut-out. Provide black bingo-dabbers for the children to make spots on their cows. Have the children glue their cows onto blue construction paper. The next day, when the cows are dry, take the children, their pictures, and glue outside to a grassy area. Talk to the children about how cows like to eat grass. Have the children pick grass and glue it onto their pictures.
*Milk Creation*
Water down some non-toxic washable paint and put it inside of a latex glove. Tie off the top of the glove and poke tiny pin holes into the fingertips of the glove. It’s pretty mess so cover the floor in newspaper and then let lay down art paper. Let your child “milk the cow” and make fun art designs on the paper.
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