Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Milky Creation

 Okay mommy, take a deep breath. This craft is so messy, but so worth it!  The end product isn't as great as the laughter and joy that you'll be sharing with your little one.

You will need:                                                                      
*craft WASHABLE paint of any color you'd like
*disposable gloves
*white art paper
*tape, thumb tack

First you need to cover what ever you will be working on with newspaper. I covered the playroom floor. I just taped newspaper to a big section on the floor.

Then I found it easier to put some paint into the glove and then add water inside the glove. Not too much water, just enough to loosen up the paint.
Tie off the glove.                       

 Puncture a TINY hole with the thumb tack into 1 finger tip of the glove.
Let your child "milk the cow" while watching the paint hit the art paper. Make a fun creation.

Have Fun!

Hunter's Milky Creation!
*in these pictures I had put too much water so it was really runny. Now I know for next time though to barely put any water at all. (-=
the mess afterwards didn't take long to pick up:-)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baby Feet Chicks

If you haven't noticed, I have a problem with wanting to put "googly eyes" on just about any craft I can.
I don't know why I'm so passionate about them, but I really really like them, (-= and I'm okay with that.hehe. So if you don't have them there is no need to put off the craft. Just use anything that is going to be the eye size, like beads, stickers, or even just a black dot from a marker. Be creative!:-)
You will need:                     
*yellow paint
*green paint for grass (optional)                   
*white piece of craft paper           
*googly eyes
*orange crayon
*your sweet baby's foot
*sponge paint brush, glue

First you paint your sweetie pie's foot with the yellow paint.
Don't try and dip it, because that can get messy real fast.
Just paint it on so it doesn't get everywhere.

Then you stamp his foot onto the piece of paper. I taped the piece of paper to a book, held out his foot and pushed it against the paper.We stenciled on grass for decoration.

Then you draw on the beak with your orange crayon and paste on the googly eyes.
You now have your chicks on your farm!
Have Fun!

Pigs in the Mud

   In this craft you can make it even more fun by substituting the brown paint with chocolate pudding. YUM! I didn't have any on hand so we just used brown paint. Instead of using a sponge to paint with, just use your hands and lick' em when your finished! He doesn't know he missed out. lol

So your gonna need:
*white paper
*green construction paper
*brown paint or choc. pudding
*pink pig shape cut-outs
*glue, scissors, paint sponge


 Cut out the pigs while child is sponging on the paint/pudding onto the green paper.

While paint is drying let him stick googly eyes onto the pig with glue.
Cut strips from the white paper
Paste on the pigs before you start the fence

Then draw guidelines where you want the fence to be, put glue on the strips of white and let him cover up the guidelines you have drawn.
Have Fun!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

On the Farm Theme Week


*Milk Your Cow*
-Sung to the tune of Row Row Row Your Boat. -
Milk, Milk, Milk your cow while sitting on the stool.
Pulling, squirting, pulling, squirting till the buckets full.

*Old Mc Donald*
Old Mc Donald had a farm, eieio
And on that farm he had a duck, eieio
With a quack quack here, and a quack quack there
Here a quack, there a quack, every where a quack quack
Old Mc Donald had a farm eieio!

*Barnyard Dance*
Act out this poem while someone reads it to you. The barnyard dance is about to begin, So hitch up your pants and jump right in! Pick the apples! Husk the corn! Crow with the rooster in the early morn! Bow to your partner! Wave hello! Clap your hands and tap your toe! Feed the chickens! Milk the cow! Hoe the weeds and push the plow! The barnyard dance has come to an end, So kick up your heels and start again!

On the Farm Theme Week


*Farm Play*
Start by putting some bird seed or rice, etc. into a large tub or long pan . Hide a variety of small plastic farm animals in the bird seed or whatever you selected and have the children find the animals for a great tactile experience. Have them identify the animals and make the sound each animal makes as they find them. Using plastic fences or blocks make small divided sections on top of the birdseed. Ask the children to categorize the animals by putting all of the sheep in one section, all of the horses in another section, etc. After the animals are all categorized begin counting each group. Have the children decide if each new group has more or less animals then the other groups. When you have finished counting all of the groups, have the children tell you which group of all of the groups had more and which group had less.

*Counting Animals*
Write numbers on different pieces of paper and help your child count out the animals to match the number on their paper. You can also play with crackers like walk the cow over the number 5.

I place pictures of farm animals out on the table. Then I make an animal noise and let child match your noise to the animal.

*Hide and Seek *
Put out a group of different farm animals. Children hide eyes while adult removes one animal. Then children look and decide which animal is missing. Hints can be given. Continue taking animals away....until no more left!

*Let's Go Fishing!*
Paste pictures of various animals on cardboard. Put a paper clip on each. Children "fish" with a magnet on a string for a picture. They name animal caught, imitate the sound it makes, and tell if it belongs on the farm, in the zoo, or at home.

On the Farm Theme Week


*Pig in the Mud*

A nice art project I have done with my 4's during farm week is to glue a pink pig cutout onto green paper and draw a fence using magic markers around the pig, Give your child some brown finger paint and allow the children to finger paint their pig in the mud.
(you can also substitute the brown finger paint with chocolate instant pudding, it’s fun to lick your fingers while your painting )

*Foot Print Chickens*
Footprint chicks: children take off shoes and socks, put one foot in yellow paint and make yellow foot print on art paper. The heel is the chick's 'head'. Use orange paint to add beak and chicken feet, black thumbprint for eye! So cute!

*Furry Sheep*
Cut out a sheep like image and let child color and put on the “wool”, cotton balls

*Cows like to Eat Grass*
Provide each child with a white construction paper cow cut-out. Provide black bingo-dabbers for the children to make spots on their cows. Have the children glue their cows onto blue construction paper. The next day, when the cows are dry, take the children, their pictures, and glue outside to a grassy area. Talk to the children about how cows like to eat grass. Have the children pick grass and glue it onto their pictures.

*Milk Creation*
Water down some non-toxic washable paint and put it inside of a latex glove. Tie off the top of the glove and poke tiny pin holes into the fingertips of the glove. It’s pretty mess so cover the floor in newspaper and then let lay down art paper. Let your child “milk the cow” and make fun art designs on the paper.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hunter's Walk with a Beat

 The hand on the hip thing is so a daddy thing. He wants to be more and more like daddy every day. Which I am completely fine with.

Egg Carton Caterpillar

   Hunter wasn't feeling very good yesterday when we got home from bible study. So the first thing we did was eat lunch and he immediately fell asleep. He slept for 4 hours so we didn't make the craft that we had planned.
   Today he is feeling much better and has a much better attitude. So we made the egg carton caterpillar to finish up our "Bug Week".
 This is a very quick, simple, but fun craft to make with your bug loving toddler.

You will need:
*egg carton
*green non-toxic pain
*googly eyes
*pipe cleaner
*scissors, glue, paint brush

First you will need to cut the carton in half long ways.

Then you paint it green, and put on the eyes. You could also draw on a mouth if you'd like.(-:

After that you poke the pipe cleaner through the top and twist them to make antennas.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Paper Owl

   So today I was about to do crafts with the boys and it hit me. I know  how I can use this blog in more ways. I'm going to start to put up craft, activities, schedules and other toddler ideas for the every day moms that don't want to spend money on these things. Most of what we do we recycle from household items. You will most likely have these things around the house, if you have a toddler.

Although this week are theme is BUGS. Today we made paper plate owls for our craft, because it is after all the first day of fall.
  You will need:
 *a paper plate (the kind with ridges around the edge)
  *brown kid safe paint
  *orange construction paper
  *googly eyes
  *tape, glue, scissors, & stapler

Directions:  You let the child paint the paper plate.While it's drying cut out beak, feet and ears from the orange construction paper. After it is dry you draw cutting lines on  paper plate at 10, 2, 5 and 7 O'clock. Let the child cut on the lines. Those pieces will be the wings.

Place googly eyes, beak, feet and ears where they belong with glue.

Then staple on the wings. Tape a peice of long string to the back and hang where ever you'd like. Hunter chose the window so thats where are little friends are hanging. Most kids really like their art to be displayed in some special way. They take pride in their work. Have FUN! (=

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Sweetest Little Guest

    Last night we had  the sweetest little guest over to play. Her name is Sophia and she brings more light to our full home. Chris is already dieing to have a sweet baby girl. Im still on the fence about it, and after watching Sophia last night he said "we have to!". So I'd like to give a personal thanks to Michael and Kylie for having a beautiful, bright little girl for making Chris definate on his desicion.

   Sophia and Connor are 3 months apart. She is encouraging him to walk. Everytime she takes off without him, he grins and watches her feet. They love to play next to each other. Their favorite game is "I want what you have". It's a really neat game. What ever Sophia has in her hand at the time Connor will attack to retrieve it, and vise versa with her. At this age they mostly just follow each other around right now.

  Hunter does his own thing when she's over. He enjoys helping. Like giving the babies something they need. Other than that he plays with daddy. Chris is love with her. He has such a big heart and is ready to share it with the world. Eventually we will have another baby. God will decide what we need and that will be that. I just hope that God wants us to be blessed with a girl this next time. Don't worry, this miracle isn't planned for another couple of years. (=
Oh and Kylie, look at those precious little arm
rolls, they arent going anywhere. hehe


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nana Visits

  My mom (nana) visited this past weekend. Her plane landed on Saturday morning at 9am. Hunter, Connor and I waited impatiently by the window to see the car driving down the street. We got that first glance of daddy's car and ran down stairs to wait by the door. Hunter waited to open the door. Nana finaly knocked and joy filled the house. Everyone had a smile and some had tears to go along with it. It has been 3 months since we have last seen her in person. Connor knew exactly who it was. He raised his arms up to be picked up, then once she had him in her arms, he held here right back and layed his head on her shoulder. He knew exactly who this was.
   We decided to go to the festival that they were having at Story Book Island. I knew Hunter and mom would have a blast. She is as big of a kid as he is when she's around the him. We really enjoyed ourselves. We played games, rode rides, and spent precious time together. We got home around 3 and everyone was exhausted, especially mom.
    She had slept 1hr the night before. She had to drive 3 hrs from home at midnight to Dallas, she got there at 3am, there she boarded her first plane that took her to Denver, she had a long layover there too. Then from Denver she came straight here. Getting here at 9am. So as you can expect she was ready for a nap. Hunter and her fell asleep and slept for a few hours.
    Once they woke up and we had dinner, we decided to go get some junk food.(= We spent 20 bucks just on fun food since nana was here. We stayed up late watching movies and catching up. It was nice. I love my mom so much and can't put into words how Ive been missing her. My stomach aches just thinking about it. Im blessed and greatful that she makes visits, but it dosen't fill the hole.
  Sunday, we relaxed and cooked a potroast together for lunch. Comfort food to get us ready for the those last few hours together. She left at 5pm and the weekend with her was over far to quickly. I feel like I will never get what I had before back. I took it for granted. I had my family and my life in the same place. Oklahoma. I had what I wanted and didn't even realize it. Now, we have made amazing friends and we have each other, but we don't have those family BBQs at aunt Jeni's. We miss all the kid's birthdays. We will miss Christmas with family. I don't think we ever realized just how important our family being around was to us, untill we didn't have that anymore. One day we will have it again. Im excited for that day. Still grandma Shanna, Grandpa Bob, and aunt Savvy will be in California so agian it won't fully be complete. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Connor has done a 360.

Here lately I haven't caught a break. Connor has been extremely fussy for the past week. Nothing satisfies him. The only time he stops whinning is when I'm holding him. He is happy while sitting in a lap. He has always played by himself and been perfectly happy doing so. He's waking up even more often in the middle of the night now. There is no fever, any sign of illness or teething. He is just SO FUSSY! I really don't know what to do. Hopefully this will end soon because I'm getting even less sleep then before, and during the day he is attached to my hip.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Connor my happy clapper.

This is a video just a few days after Connor clapped for the first time. He's getting so big.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sick Day

Chris has today off and I feel awful for being a party pooper. He and Hunter have been amazing care providers today. Chris has been wanting to get out of the house all day and I'm pretty sick. I have the chills and pain through out my body. I'm not 100% sure what is, I have alot of the same symptoms that I did when I had an infection during the first 3 weeks of breastfeeding. So I made a doctors appointment. They can't get me in till next Tuesday. I have been taking ibprofen all day and neither the headaches or fever are going away. So Chris went ahead and took Hunter to the park during Connor's naptime to get them both out of the house. My boys have done such a nice job taking care of me. I appreciate them so much. Thank You Boys!