Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spoooky Spider

A fun way to sproose up your outdoor halloween decor is with this giant spider.

You will need:                                      
10 black trash bags
8 wire hangers
2 red plastice cups
leaves or newspaper
black electric tape

       You start out by filling one trash bag full with newspaper or leaves. Then tie it off. Fill another bag only 1/3 full for the head. Tie the bag off and then tie together. You now have your body.
       Take 1 trash bag, unfold and place a straightend hanger on top, roll the bag with the wire inside.
Tape off the top and bottom off the bag. Then tape 2 parts of the leg to create joints. Do these steps with the next 7 legs. Cut tiny slits into the body of the spider and put the legs in, then tape to secure. 4 on each side.
      Cut out the circles on the bottom on the red truck. Tape those on as the eyes. Then cut 2 triangles out of the cup and tape the them on as the fangs. I put weights in the bottom of my trash bags before I tied them off, so the wind wouldn't take them off. So you place your spider where you want it and then stick the wire into the ground so the spider's legs are standing up. Have Fun!

PS you can always put 2 bags instead of one on the legs and they will look fuller. I didn't have enough bags so I just used one for each leg and I think it looks fine.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You finished the spider! I have yet to start on mine :)
