Sunday, October 17, 2010


Fire SafetyMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
ArtFire truckDalmatianSmoke Detector911 CollageFire Truck2
ActivityStop Drop & RollCrawlingSmoke DetectorDialing 911Visit the Fire Station

 ladder. I like kids to be creative so I just demonstrate and let them go.
In our center we made fire trucks with our kids. They each got a box and painted it red ( it was very messy!!!!)we added headlights with shiny paper and small paper plates painted black for wheels we put them together and the kids had fire truck races they had lots of fun!!
For Fire Safety Week our preschool has a fire truck come out and the children learn about fire prevention and safety issues. Although the truck itself is very exciting, my students love the "fire dog" (Dalmatian) even more! SO, this year I drew a picture (size of a full sheet of paper) of a dog's face with black marker on a white sheet. I ran off enough copies for each student and asked them to cut out the head. I let them choose whether they wanted to glue it onto red or black paper and they did so. After it was glued on I gave them a cup of black paint and told them to add the SPOTS to our dog's face to make him look like a Dalmatian. They used their little fingers and had a GREAT time! The result was so adorable! We labeled them "Jane's Fire Dog!"
Make pretend smoke detectors. Take two snack-size paper plates and put one on top of the other. Have the children staple or tape the two plates together and "decorate" them with a red dot or a red sticker. Ask the children to notice the smoke detectors in their classrooms, homes and other buildings. This is a great opportunity to discuss fire safety with the children, and the take-home product is a good reminder for parents to install detectors and to check those batteries
Cut 9's and 1's out of paper. Then glue them onto a piece of paper
Teach child the meaning and reason behind staying calm if on fire and stopping, dropping, and rolling.
We clothespin sheets up around the room, about 2 ft from the floor, and practice crawling, low, under the "smoke".
Get tiny red and blue dot stickers from a office supply store. Put the red dots on hot
things, and blue dots on cold things as you do a safety walk with the kids through your building or home.

Find all the smoke detectors in your house.
I give red long rectangles and circles for wheels. I do give 4.. put 2 on each side. I also give them a larger circle and demonstrate how to make a spiral...
cutting round and round and round to make a hose. If time permits I would give them scraps of paper to make a

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