Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Pre-Schooler

   Hunter starting pre-school was a very big step for the both of us. I use to have my mind set on "I was the best and only teacher for him", but after seeing him interact with Mrs. Terri (speech therapist) here at the house, and say so much more than what he ever would to me. I decided that this would be good for him and he would be getting that companionship with other kids his age.

  I was very excited this morning, because I knew he was going to absolutely love it! I had not one doubt in my mind that this was going to benefit him in so many ways. So as I held in the tears and strolled up beside him to his classroom door, God was reminding me. "He will always be your baby." So I hugged him good bye and watched him take his first steps with out me. My eyes were glazed but his were happy. He was grinning from ear to ear as he entered that room. I am so very proud of my sweet little man. I love him more than life and I'm not ready, but definately happy for him to be growing up.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Christmas Shopping Made Easy

Scentsy is a great Christmas gift! If you buy a plug-in warmer and a scentsy bar, it's the perfect 20 dollar gift.  Get all of your Christmas shopping done on one site and one order. Scentsy also has something for kids too! Its a Scentsy Buddy and they come in several different animals. Choose any animal and a Scent Pak of  your favorite scents. Just logon to to start your Christmas shopping now. If your order is over 150 call me to put it in and your shipping will be free, plus you will get a 1/2 off item and credited free product.