Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hunter had a playday with Aundrea today. He was so territorial. Everything was "mine". Poor Aundrea wasn't playing with much in fear of Hunter taking it away. Daddy came home for lunch and seem to have set Hunter straight. Before you knew it they were playing nicely together.
 I hope that we can have many more playdays like the end of this one. I'm proud of Hunter for calming down and letting someone else play with all of his toys. He's 2, what kid wants to share at the age of 2. Thank goodness soon enough he will grow out of this stage.

Monday, August 30, 2010

On the Move.

Connor has been crawling for a little over a month now. At first he was pretty slow and only going after  toys and binkis. He is pretty quick now and getting into "no nos". I am begining to realize that I have two mess makers. I'll be cleaning a mess that Hunter just made while I hear splashing in Cash's water bowl. When I get Connor clean and changed that is when I find the next mess that Hunter has so generously created. They are kids, thats what they do, I get it. This is my first time having more than one child, so this is definately something new to me. I'm busy, but blessed and so happy with my little mess makers. I wouldn't change this for anything.

Not All the Way There

 As most of you know, we have been working on potty training. I know, I know. It's about time. Hunter is going to be 3 in November and it had to be done. He hasen't had any accidents in about a week. He is so proud of his "undies" he shows them to anyone that walks through the door. We are still putting a diaper on him for nap time and bedtime. If he has undies on while sleeping he wets himself.  He is good out in public. No accidents the past few times we've left the house. I'm not sure how to help him with holding it while he's sleeping, so if you have any advice I would appreciate it.